USA To Provide Cluster Munitions to Ukraine

USA To Provide Cluster Munitions to Ukraine

Arsenal in the Spotlight: Unraveling Cluster Bomb Concerns as US Dispatches Shipment to Ukraine

The United States' decision to give cluster bombs to Ukraine has worried some important allies like Italy, Spain, Germany, and the UK, who are members of NATO. Cluster bombs are weapons that many countries have banned because they put civilian lives at risk. These bombs release smaller bombs that often don't explode properly, leaving dangerous remnants behind. These remnants can remain a threat for many years and explode unexpectedly. The UK follows the ban, but the US says they are necessary because Ukraine is running out of weapons. President Joe Biden confirmed the decision to send cluster bombs to Ukraine as part of a military aid package worth $800 million. He acknowledged that it was a difficult decision but said Ukraine needs ammunition. He also said he talked about it with allies before making the decision. Some experts and officials from the UK, like Peter Ricketts, feel uncomfortable with the decision, but they understand why it's being done, given the circumstances of war.

What is a cluster bomb?

Cluster bombs, also known as cluster munitions, are weapons that scatter numerous smaller bombs, called submunitions or bomblets, over a wide area. They were used during World War II and can be dropped from aircraft or launched from ground or sea. The explosions caused by cluster bombs pose a serious threat to anyone nearby, often resulting in death or severe injuries. One concerning aspect is that some bomblets may not explode immediately, leaving behind unexploded ordnance that remains hazardous for years. The failure rate of these submunitions, known as the "dud rate," has ranged from 10% to 40% in recent conflicts, according to the International Committee of the Red Cross. The widespread use of cluster bombs has led to the contamination of countries and regions with tens of thousands or even millions of unstable unexploded submunitions, creating long-lasting dangers. It is important to note that unexploded bomblets can resemble toys, which increases the risk to children who may accidentally handle them and suffer injuries or fatalities.

Why is Ukraine asking for them?

Ukraine's military is facing a critical shortage of artillery shells. The high rate of consumption, similar to that of the Russian forces, has left Ukraine's Western allies unable to replace them quickly enough. As reported by BBC News, artillery has become a crucial weapon in the static and protracted battlefronts of southern and eastern Ukraine. To address the shortage of artillery shells, Ukraine has made a request to the United States to replenish their supply of cluster munitions. These munitions would be used to target Russian infantry in defensive trenches. However, this decision has triggered a six-month-long debate in Washington, with opposition emerging from many Democrats and human rights advocates.

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